construction notice

Effective April 1, 2025, McLaren Health Plan is updating the CONNECT portal for Members and Providers. On April 1, 2025, all users must re-register and create a new account to access the portal.

Trainings and Webinars

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)

Model of Care Training and Attestation

HMS Billing and Claims Resources

Mental Health and Substance Use Toolkit

For our Medicaid members, McLaren Health Plan covers services for mild to moderate behavioral health services and Office Based Substance Use Treatment (OBSUT) Services. Information specific to covered OBSUT Services is located here.

McLaren Health Plan covers all behavioral health and substance use disorder services for Community and Health Advantage product members.

Serious and persistent mental illness treatment and non-OBSUT services are not covered by McLaren Health Plan for Medicaid members. These services are “carved out”, and benefits are administered by the regional Prepaid Inpatient Hospital Plan (PIHP) entity for each area. A list of PIHPs and contact information is available here.

MC3 offers no-cost psychiatry support to pediatric and perinatal primary care providers in Michigan through same-day phone consultations to offer guidance on diagnostic questions, safe medications, and appropriate psychotherapy. Learn more at 

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your Provider Services Representative or Customer Service. They can connect you with a nurse case manager who can help coordinate care services.

Bright Futures AAP Toolkit

View Bright Futures Toolkit

*Some tools may require a fee.


Helpful Tools and Information

Screening Tools:

Newborn Through 21 Years:


9 Month, 18 Month, 2½ Year:

Child Development

18 Month - 2 Year:

Autism Spectrum Disorder

11 Through 14 Year, 15 Through 17 Year, 18 Through 21 Year:

Depression and Suicide Risk.

PHQ-9 Modified for Teens (PHQ-A)a. A version of the PHQ-9 Modified for Teens is available in the Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care Toolkit (in multiple languages).

11 Through 14 Year, 15 Through 17 Year, 18 Through 21 Year: Tobacco, Alcohol, or Drug Use


Helpful Tools and Information

SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Practitioner Training:

SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center:

SBIRT Screening Tools – Includes pre-screening form, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Drug Abuse Screen Test (DAST-10), The Brief Screener for Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs (BSTAD), and others

PHQ-2 Patient Health Questionnaire depression screening tool -

PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire depression screening tool

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale -