construction notice

Effective April 1, 2025, McLaren Health Plan is updating the CONNECT portal for Members and Providers. On April 1, 2025, all users must re-register and create a new account to access the portal.

  • Available Public Benefits

    McLaren Health Plan offers members MYCommunity Connect. A program to help members connect with a community ambassador to assist with your healthcare benefits, housing food, transportation and other community resources through our FindHelp app: To schedule an appointment, click on the Community Calendar at the top of the page or call Customer Service 888-327-0671 (TTY: 711).


    WIC, or the Women, Infants, and Children Program, is a program that is available through your local health department. WIC serves low to moderate income women, infants, and children that have nutritional risk. WIC provides food, formula, nutritional information, and breastfeeding support. Learn more about WIC benefits

    You may apply for WIC benefits through MIBridges. Apply for WIC

    Locate your local WIC clinic

    Food Assistance Program (FAP or SNAP)

    You may be eligible for FAP benefits if any of the following situations apply to you:

    • You are struggling to cover food expenses for your household
    • You have little to no income and are struggling to cover household expenses
    • You are a migrant or seasonal farmworker whose income has stopped.

    You can apply for FAP benefits through MiBridges. Apply for FAP

    Foods that may be purchased using a Bridge card or FAP benefits

    Cash Assistance

    Provides cash to parents with children, people with disabilities, refugees, and people over 65.  You many be eligible if any of the following apply to you or someone in your household:

    • You have a child in your household that is under the age of 18, or 18 years old and attending high school.
    • You are pregnant or parents of a child in foster care who is expected to return home within one year from date of application.
    • You are 65 or older, or permanently or temporarily disabled, or taking care of a person with a disability in your household.
    • You are receiving disability benefits and have a child under the age of 18 in your household.

    You may apply for Cash Assistance benefits through MIBridges. Apply for Cash Assistance or speak with a MYCommunity Connect ambassador.

    McLaren Health Plan works with Centauri Health Solutions to help members apply for Social Security Income (SSI/SSDI) programs that increase their monthly income.  To learn more, please call 833-397-2954.  Or visit online, Centauri HS - Best Benefits Eligiblity Screening to find out which benefits your family may qualify for!

    Child Development & Care (CDC)

    Helps cover child care costs for working families.  You may be eligible if any of the following applies to you or someone in your household:

    • You have a low income and struggle to cover household expenses and childcare.
    • You need childcare while you are engaged in an approved activity, such as:
      • Work.
      • High school completion/GED classes.
      • Adult basic education courses, such as English as a Second Language (ESL).
    • You are a licensed foster parent requesting care for foster children.
    • You are a member of a MDHHS protective services case participating in a treatment plan.
    • You are participating in the Family Independence Program and have a required work activity. 

    You may apply for CDC benefits through MIBridges or by clicking or speaking with a MYCommunity Connect ambassador.

    Utility Programs

    There are several programs in Michigan that provide utility assistance to low-income households. 

    State Emergency Relief Program (SER) – This program may help low-income families pay part of their heating or electric bill, help to keep services active, or have services restored. Applications are through MiBridges. Apply for SER

    Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) – MEAP provides supplemental assistance and other services to low-inome families. MEAP services are provided by community agencies throughout Michigan. View MEAP agencies

    Home Heating Credit – Qualified low-income families may apply to receive credit to help with paying winter heating bills. If you are low-income, receive public assistance, or unemployment, you may be eligible. Learn more or apply

    Other resources may be available. You can call 211 or visit for additional resources. You may also visit McLaren Helps here:

    Weatherization & Safety Programs

    The Weatherization Assistance Program is a program for low-income families that is federally funded. The program provides energy conservation and related services, making improvements to a home to make it more efficient. Some services that may be available under this program include: 

    • Home Energy Audit
    • Weather-stripping, caulking, and air sealing
    • Attic, foundation, wall, or sill box insulation
    • Programmable thermostat installation
    • Furnace or water heater tune-up or replacement
    • Refrigerator replacement
    • Lightbulb replacement
    • Smoke Detectors
    • Car Seat Inspection

    Learn more about the program

    Find resources in your specific county


    If you have additional needs, there may be help available. You can call 211 or visit for additional resources. You may also visit McLaren Helps here: Contact our Customer Service for additional information or assistance.