construction notice

Effective April 1, 2025, McLaren Health Plan is updating the CONNECT portal for Members and Providers. On April 1, 2025, all users must re-register and create a new account to access the portal.

  • Transitions of Care Policy

    Are you new to McLaren Health Plan (MHP)? If you are a new member, you can keep your out-of-network doctors and services for at least 90 days. This may help with your medical health, behavioral health and pharmacy drug needs.

    You can keep seeing your current doctor through your pregnancy and postpartum. You can keep seeing your current doctor if you are getting care for certain chronic diseases. MHP will not approve on-going care by an out-of-network doctor if:
    • Your doctor only wants to keep an eye on an illness
    • The doctor has an issue that could cause you harm
    • The doctor says they will not see you any more
    • You started seeing the doctor after you enrolled with MHP
    • The doctor does not meet MHP’s standards

    McLaren Health Plan can help you choose new in-network doctors. We can also help you get the services you need. You or your doctor can call McLaren Health Plan at 888-327-0671.