construction notice

Effective April 1, 2025, McLaren Health Plan is updating the CONNECT portal for Members and Providers. On April 1, 2025, all users must re-register and create a new account to access the portal.

Quitting Smoking

McLaren Health Plan Member Benifits

As a McLaren Health Plan member, you are entitled to a FREE Stop Smoking Program. Call 800-784-8669 to get enrolled today. You are also able to receive tobacco cessation counseling from your physician(s).

Stop Smoking Resources

Tobacco Cessation

McLaren Health Plan covers tobacco cessation prescriptions and over the counter medications like Zyban®, Chantix®, Nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, inhalers, and nasal sprays. You and your doctor should decide the best option for you.

Members who have had tobacco cessation counseling from their doctor or who have contacted the QuitLine are automatically enrolled in the Tobacco Cessation program. Members can become ineligible if they are incorrectly identified as a tobacco user, are no longer an MHP member (termed/expired) or if the member chooses to opt out of the program. For questions or to opt out of this program, contact Customer Service toll free at 1-888-327-0671 (TTY: 711).

Quit Smoking Tips

Do you smoke? Do you want to quit? If you answered yes, we are here to help you quit. First, check with your doctor to see the best way for you to stop smoking. There are no magical ways to quit. Try using some of these useful steps:

Step One:

  • List your reasons to quit and read them several times a day

Step Two:

  • Keep reading your list of reasons to quit and add to it if you can

Step Three:

  • Continue with Step Two and set a target date to quit
  • Don't buy a new pack until you finish the pack you are smoking
  • Try to stop for 48 hours at one time

Step Four:

  • Throw away cigarettes and matches
  • Hide lighters and ashtrays
  • Stay busy and get exercise by taking long walks or riding a bike
  • Avoid situations and "triggers" you relate with smoking
  • Find healthy substitutes for smoking

Did you know that AFTER you quit smoking:

  • Your blood pressure and pulse become normal within 20 minutes
  • Your senses of smell and taste come back
  • Your smoker's cough goes away
  • You will feel more alive and full of energy
  • You'll live longer and have less chance of heart disease, stroke, lung disease and cancer

Talk to your doctor about stopping smoking today. McLaren Health Plan cares about your wellbeing.